Architectural Photography: More on Deere

…just a quick thought on one of the images I shot recently at the John Deere and Company World Headquarters - further to the previous post - this also on the subject of Black & White architectural imaging.

I am particularly fond of this image in black & white. It’s a view of the northeast corner of the exhibit pavilion at the Deere headquarters. It was shot with a 45mm tilt-shift lens on my 5D Mark II, with a shift up to capture the ceiling while maintaining the integrity of the perspective. The use of this “normal” focal length results in the slight compression of perspective, yielding a more tightly framed view than would obtain from the use of a wide angle lens.


In black & white, this becomes more an abstraction which speaks to the design of the curtainwall and ceiling. In color, though, this image is equally effective, though much more literal in rendering.


Personally, I give the edge to the black & white version. But the conundrum persists: color or black & white? More on that later. Which do you prefer??

For more on the John Deere and Company World Headquarters, see:

My Website can be found here:


Now read this

Architectural Photography: Black & White - Another Way of Seeing Things?

Most of my architectural photography in recent years has been done in color by direct digital capture. I’d attribute this to almost universal demand in the marketplace, dating first to the time when color film came to use, and reinforced... Continue →