Architectural Photography: More on Deere

…just a quick thought on one of the images I shot recently at the John Deere and Company World Headquarters - further to the previous post - this also on the subject of Black & White architectural imaging.

I am particularly fond of this image in black & white. It’s a view of the northeast corner of the exhibit pavilion at the Deere headquarters. It was shot with a 45mm tilt-shift lens on my 5D Mark II, with a shift up to capture the ceiling while maintaining the integrity of the perspective. The use of this “normal” focal length results in the slight compression of perspective, yielding a more tightly framed view than would obtain from the use of a wide angle lens.


In black & white, this becomes more an abstraction which speaks to the design of the curtainwall and ceiling. In color, though, this image is equally effective, though much more literal in rendering.


Personally, I give the edge to the black & white version. But the conundrum persists: color or black & white? More on that later. Which do you prefer??

For more on the John Deere and Company World Headquarters, see:

My Website can be found here:


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Architectural Photography: Case Study - Minneapolis Loft

It’s been months since my last post with thoughts on architectural photographer Gabriele Basilico. I’ve been happily preoccupied shooting and post-processing both client work and a number of self-directed projects, some of which will... Continue →